Our offices

We provide global reach with our teams in New York and London, and true regional depth through our seven Asian offices in Mumbai, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Seoul and Tokyo.

  • location New York

    BDA Advisors Inc.
    Suite 2901
    1270 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY 10020
    United States

    T +1 (212) 265 5300

    Euan Rellie

    Managing Partner, Head of Consumer & Retail

  • location London

    2nd Floor, 17 Waterloo Place
    St James’s
    London SW1Y 4AR
    United Kingdom

    T +44 (0)20 3327 3360

    Jonathan Aiken, CFA

    Partner, Head of London

  • location Mumbai

    B-902, One BKC
    G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,
    Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051

    बी डी ए पार्टनर्स लिमिटेड,
    युनिट ब -९०२, एक बीकेसी,
    जी ब्लॉक , बांद्रा कुर्ला कॉम्प्लेक्स,
    बांद्रा पुर्व, महाराष्ट्र , मुंबई- ४०००५१
    इंडिया (भारत)

    T +91 (22) 6140 3800

    Sanjay Singh

    Partner, Head of BDA India, Co-Head Asia Healthcare

  • location Shanghai

    HKRI Centre Two
    Units 1704-1706
    288 Shimen Road (No.1)
    Shanghai, 200041


    T +86 (21) 3217 8222

    Jeffrey Wang

    Chairman, Senior Advisor

    Anthony Siu

    Partner, Head of Shanghai, Financial Sponsors Group

  • location Hong Kong

    Suite 2002, 100 QRC
    100 Queen’s Road
    Hong Kong SAR

    100QRC 2002室

    T +852 3698 1700

    Paul DiGiacomo

    Managing Partner, Head of Financial Sponsors Group

    Simon Kavanagh

    Partner, Head of Hong Kong, Head of Industrials

  • location Seoul

    2Fl, Youngpoong Building
    41 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jongno-gu
    Seoul, 03188
    Republic of Korea

    서울특별시 종로구 청계천로 41 영풍빌딩 2층 (03188)

    T +82 (2) 735 4214

    Howard Lee

    Partner, Head of Seoul

  • location Ho Chi Minh City

    Level 19, Deutsches Haus
    33 Le Duan Street, Ben Nghe Ward
    District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

    Văn phòng đại diện BDA Partners
    Tầng 19, Tòa nhà Deutsches Haus
    Số 33, đường Lê Duẩn,
    Phường Bến Nghé
    Quận 1, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh
    Việt Nam

    T +84 28 3620 8806

    Andrew Huntley

    Managing Partner, Head of Healthcare

    Huong Trinh

    Partner, Head of HCMC

  • location Singapore

    OUE Bayfront
    50 Collyer Quay #08-01
    Singapore 049321

    T +65 3174 3360

    Mark Webster

    Partner, Head of Singapore, Head of Services and Sustainability

  • location Tokyo

    27F Atago Green Hills Mori Tower
    2-5-1 Atago, Minato-Ku
    Tokyo 105-6227

    BDA Partners株式会社

    T +81 (3) 3433 5800

    Jeff Acton

    Partner, Head of Tokyo, Head of Technology

    Hideyuki Tozawa

    Vice Chairman


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